Nick Thomm and Al Kresta say…

Nick Thomm and Al Kresta say… February 7, 2012


Friends and colleagues,

Ave Maria Radio Communication has launched a project called

As, I’m sure you know, On January 20, President Obama informed Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, that the Catholic Church in America has until August of 2013 to provide almost all of their employees with insurance that covers sterilization and contraception, including drugs like the ‘morning-after pill’ that may cause an early abortion. If the Church refuses to comply with this mandate from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), various penalties will ensue. The Church will be considered an outlaw, a bad neighbor and its leaders subject to prosecution.

To sixty million American Catholics the President has said that now to be good Americans, we must be bad Catholics. Archbishop Dolan understood immediately. His ironic response: “So you’ve given us a year to figure out how to violate our conscience.”

Through, we are committed to reversing the decision of the Obama Administration to force Catholic organizations to provide contraception, sterilization, and abortifacient drugs in their health care plans.

We will accomplish this by providing a place where all reporting, commentary, statements, legislation, video messages, audio messages, interviews and press releases will be complied into one single comprehensive website. We will petition the Obama Administration through the voice of the people to reverse course and respect the consciences of Christians of all stripes as he promised to do in his Commencement Address at Notre Dame in 2009. We will urge support for all legislation that would force the Obama Administration to rescind their decision and would protect the Church from further government intrusion. And we will engage the media in an effort to provide accurate information to the American people on the issue of conscience protection.

I’m asking you first to go to the website, sign the petition and second to use whatever means you can to promote this effort. You can post a banner on your sites, use social media, e-blast, WHATEVER YOU CAN. Our facebook page is simply StopHHS.

Thank-you for your partnership in this vital mission.

Nick Thomm
Executive Producer
“Kresta in the Afternoon”


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