Prayer Requests and a Praise Report

Prayer Requests and a Praise Report February 22, 2012

A reader writes:

I’m writing to ask that you and your readers storm the gates of heaven for our friends’ little baby, who is due to be born in July. A routine ultrasound has revealed possible health & developmental problems including a cyst on the brain, heart issues, and kidneys that are not working properly. This is their sixth and much-anticipated child. While it is possible that these could be imaging-related issues, rather than health-related, at this point there is much uncertainty and anxiety, given the lack of concrete knowledge. Please pray that, if these issues are real, God would work a healing miracle in His little one, and that such healing would bring others to Him. Please pray for wisdom, and for speed & clarity of direction in the next steps to be taken. Please pray for peace of heart, mind, and spirit for those who love this precious little baby.

Father, hear our prayer through your Son Jesus Christ. Mother Mary and St. Luke, pray for this child, his family and their caregivers. Amen.

Another reader writes:

A few months ago I asked you and your readers to pray for a man who lost his job, has a failing heart and rebellious sons.

Praise God, he just recently got a good job that is close to home and easy on his heart. Some good news in this economy, for sure!

Thanks be to God through our Lord Jesus!

Another reader writes:

Please pray for my nephew Mason and friend’s son Sebastian. Both are preborn and have a variety of health issues that will result in early births and surgeries. The coming days and weeks for their families are going to be very challenging, no matter what the outcomes are.

Father, hear our prayer for these children that they be healed, thrive, and grow into saints who will serve you long and well to the praise of your glory. Grant skill, wisdom and compassion to their caregivers and grace and peace to their families in this difficult time. Mother Mary and St. Luke, pray for them all. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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