The delightfully subversive Andrew Klavan…

The delightfully subversive Andrew Klavan… June 21, 2012

offers a paean of praise to murdering little girls. Jonathan Swift would be proud.

But Mark!  You’ve criticized Live Action for attacking PP killing little girls!  You’ve said you can understand why somebody like Ron Paul would vote against an anti-gendercide bill.

Yes.  It’s true.  I do not live in a Manichaean mental universe.  This is one of the great ironies of the whole “Lying for Jesus’ discussion. People with amazingly simplistic black and white analyses (“If you criticize anything about Live Action whatosever, it’s because you love abortion and want to murder as many children as possible!”) then turn around and tell you that I must either accept lying as a Christian virtue or else be tarred forever as desiring the death of babies and the extermination of Jews–and I’m a simplistic fundamentalist for accepting the plain teaching of the Church to boot.

In fact, however, I oppose the murder of little girls and I support LA’s work–when it does not involve lying. Similarly, I disagree with Ron Paul’s vote, but still think him an honorable man who, quite obviously, is motivated by honorable principle and desirous of stopping abortion. Such nuance seems to escape a lot of combox inquisitors.

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