As long as Americans conceive of consent as the sole criterion of the good

As long as Americans conceive of consent as the sole criterion of the good August 10, 2012

…any conceivable combination of a confused human with another person, persons, animals, Eiffel Towers, warehouses, or herself will be called by the empty meaningless sound pattern we commonly spell “m-a-r-r-i-a-g-e”.

When marriage means anything it means nothing. The purpose of marriage is to privilege and protect that relationship which produces and protects children. When that special protection is removed and marriage simply means “I demand that society kowtow to my narcissistic demand for approval” mischief will surely follow and the family with suffer even more than it already does.

Christians must, in the face of this, live according to reality till our civilization passes from the “what could it hurt?” phase to the “how were we supposed to know?” phase. Meanwhile, expect persecution from the sort of fascists who try to use the might of the state to smash businessmen for Ungoodthink.

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