
Equality! September 11, 2012

Under Barack Obama, we finally have a nation where people of all colors, genders, sexual orientations, and creeds can be imprisoned for life without trial.

Note to Obama Supporters: SUCKERS!  You still buying that whole “I’m voting for the One because I fear the Bush/Cheney Police State” thing?  And you pride yourself on being smarter than .those prolife conservative suckers who think Romney cares about them or the unborn?  Really?

Obama supporters:  Get it.  He doesn’t care about you.  He cares about Caesaroligarchic power, just like the rest of our Ruling Class.  They have taken one of the great traumas in our nation’s history and, while we were in shock and grief, used it to erect a police state that benefits only them.  The only one who cares about you is Jesus.  Figure it out before these wolves eat you alive.

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