Romney in Trouble…

Romney in Trouble… September 19, 2012

for being out-of-touch plutocrat who cynically holds half of the American people in contempt.

This is, I think, grossly inaccurate. 47% is *far* too low a figure. In addition to holding half the electorate in contempt, he also holds in contempt much of his base as well as he lies that he governed Massachusetts as a prolifer, telegraphs his clear disinterest in gay “marriage”, telegraphs his obvious disinterest in doing anything about the HHS mandate’s attack on religious liberty, and makes clear that the only thing that really interests him is strengthening Caesaroligarchic power for himself and the rest of the Ruling Class.

The main difference is that the 47% already knew that Romney holds them in contempt, while his base, like an abused spouse, keeps telling themselves that if we just don’t upset him by demanding that he take us seriously, he will come to care about us.

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