Inspired by John C. Wright’s story…

Inspired by John C. Wright’s story… October 1, 2012

here, the awesomely gifted Alisha DeFreitas over at Far Above Rubies, tells her story of her brush with the Culture of Death and her refusal to play the world’s game. I love that she gives two well-aimed upraised middle fingers: one to the abortion culture of the Left, and one to the Randian Makers vs. Takers class warriors of the Right. She’s one of my heros. God love her, her husband, and that little bundle of pure adorableness, Zoe. It is you, the family, who are at the center of God’s designs. All of our little human systems of politics, corporations and ideologies exist only so that the family–that is the icon of the Holy Trinity–can prosper and grow in love and in the imitation of God. If they hinder or harm that, then the hell with them. The human system was made for man, not man for the human system.

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