Tee Hee

Tee Hee October 18, 2012

And Then There Were None has a fun idea: Call Planned Parenthood and ask if they can give you a free mammogram.

Heavens to murgratroyd, Mark.   You just linked to Live Action suggesting a prank on PP.  It’s common knowledge you are a sworn enemy of Live Action.

Actually, that’s pseudoknowledge.  I was (and am) critical of telling lies as a way of advancing the prolife agenda.  It’s that whole “knowing what the Church has taught for time immemorial about the morality of lying” thing.

But I have no objection to burying PP in time-wasting disruptive phone calls asking, “Do you guys offer free mammograms?” since that is not, you know, lying.  It’s simply using the lies PP and Obama tells as a handy jumping off platform for tying up their phones, money, resources, and manpower that might otherwise be devoted to doing evil, as well as perhaps making a few functionaries at PP aware that they work for an organization founded on lies.  I rather enjoy clever and honest ways of throwing spanners in the works and hoisting liars on their own petard.

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