Praying for Leaders

Praying for Leaders November 15, 2012

I always thought John Wayne had the right idea when elections didn’t go his way. Of JFK he said, “I didn’t vote for him. But he’s my president and I hope he does a good job.” That seems to me to be quintessentially patriotic American and Christian response. Fr. Damick takes a different tack, supporting what is good, but refusing to work together with anybody to support intrinsic evil, which is another form of patriotism.

Before you point out to me that our Ruling Class advocate moral horror and are greedy traitorous swine who, by rights, should be cleaning the boots of the brave men and women they casually send to kill and die in their names while fattening their useless bellies on our hard work and overseeing a regime of murder against the unborn, you can save your breath. I know that. I will continue to point it out using the precious gift of free speech these people are laboring steal along with the rest of our liberty.

But it was Nero Paul told his flock to pray for, a depraved monster who lit his garden with the bodies of Christian martyrs. If the Church can pray for that guy, we can pray for our Ruling class and hope that the grace of God works for his purposes through them as it worked, in the end, through even Pontius Pilate. So God bless Obama and the rest of them and help them do a good job through Christ our Lord. And God resist them through us when they seek to do evil.

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