Today’s Chance to Do a Work of Mercy

Today’s Chance to Do a Work of Mercy December 31, 2012

Hi and God bless you all in these last days of 2012, and I pray you have a full and exciting 2013!

I wanted to send you one last reminder of what I am doing and ask for your help.  I have launched a campaign on to raise the money to make a professional radio-ready Catholic Alternative Album.  I plan to use this record as a means to introduce our youth to Jesus in a new way, and to call other Catholic artists to start building up our church through their God-given gifts.  Music is a powerful thing and I believe that there is a serious need for a Catholic music in our world.

We are down to our final 3 days of this campaign and have reached 78% of our funding, reaching $9,364 or our $12k goal! If we don’t reach the full 12k then the project goes unfunded and no pledgers are charged.  The response to this album and mission has been wonderful and I want to encourage you (if you haven’t already) to please visit my Kickstarter campaign page and listen to a few of the songs.  If you would like to help me you can do so in 3 main ways.

1) I need your prayers!  God has been incredibly faithful to the countless prayers of people all over the country who are pulling for this campaign and mission.

2) If you can pledge even 5 dollars it would go a long way!

3) Pass this along to people you know.  People have been incredible in telling their friends and family about this project and we have had people back this project from all parts of the country and even into the UK!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and if nothing else I hope you enjoy the songs you hear on my Kickstarter page, The link to my project is below. God bless.

Donny Todd

Go for it!

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