Dale Ahlquist Once Remarked to Me…

Dale Ahlquist Once Remarked to Me… February 11, 2013

…that future ages will say, “That is the kind of bizarre thing that could only have been said around the time of the turn of the Third Millennium in what was then called the United States.”

I think of his remark from time to time when I run across weird cultural artifacts like this:

FYI: Do Men Really Fall Apart When A Female Soldier Gets Killed?
There’s no scientific evidence to support the conventional wisdom that women wounded in combat would destroy male soldiers’ morale and performance.

Evidence doesn’t support that. “I’ve read slews of stuff and I’ve never heard that one,” Laurence says. “Certainly some men have been raised that you treat women as second class citizens and they need to be protected

Early Third Millennium America: The time period when Advanced Opinion held that a man’s instinctive protection of women in situations of extreme violence was really rooted in misogyny.

Because SCIENCE! I particularly like how the guy says “There is no evidence such men exist” followed by saying, “Certainly such men exist, but they are troglodytes.”

As this female vet points out with perfect common sense, putting women into combat is a dumb idea. Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.” Caesar says, “Let me try some experiments on my rats.”

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