Some sensible advice for people who are inclined to read too much into Benedict’s departure

Some sensible advice for people who are inclined to read too much into Benedict’s departure February 28, 2013

…from a blog entry regarding the silliness surrounding St. Malachy Prophecy superstitions:

So let’s do ourselves an enormous spiritual favor this  Lenten season: let’s throw the prophesy books into the fireplace (if they help to warm the house, then they are  at least good for something!) and take the time that we would otherwise be reading those books and use it to prayerfully read the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the Documents of Vatican II (please, the Flannery edition and not the Abbott edition).

Amen and amen.  One very good thing for Catholics to crucify this Lent is the sinful gnostic urge to try to get the Inside Track on History.  You know not the day or the hour.  Even Jesus didn’t know, so how on earth shall we?

Far better to spend the day in prayer for Benedict–grateful prayer, methinks–and for the conclave.  His poor successor has a huge job ahead.  God grant him the grace, strength, and wisdom to do it through Christ our Lord.

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