The Ongoing Struggle of the Pomo Left and Right to Come to Happy Accord…

The Ongoing Struggle of the Pomo Left and Right to Come to Happy Accord… April 9, 2013

…is on full display in this bizarre attempt by Pro-Torture Flagship NeoCon Journal The Weekly Standard (edited by Bill “Preternaturally Wrong About Everything” Kristol to stand tall for torture even as the UN attempts to ignore abortion. The resulting bizarre confection is a political clash between people who adore abortion as the health of the state and condemn torture vs. people who adore torture as the health of the state and condemn abortion. Soon, the sexual tension between them will snap and they will embrace in an indissoluble kiss as they both realize that their mutual love of crushing and murdering the weak in the service of their pursuit of power is more powerful than any superficial difference they may once have had.

In the words of the Hindi proverb, “When elephants fight, is is the grass that suffers.”

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