Whoever Dreamed This Up Should be Instantly Fired

Whoever Dreamed This Up Should be Instantly Fired May 3, 2013

From deep within the Empire of Fear that America has evolved into comes this piece of administrative genius in the secular school system:

Teachers were shocked and caught off guard when an Oregon school held a school shooting drill.

The Oregonian reports Pine Eagle Charter School in Halfway held the drill last Friday as children were home for an in-service day. Two masked “gunmen” burst into a meeting room holding 15 teachers firing blanks.

Happily, nobody in the room was carrying a concealed weapon and did not blow away the two idiots who agreed to do this.  But whoever planned and executed this Michael Scott-magnitude act of stupidity needs a new job as a janitor where he or she can do no further harm.  Can you imagine having that person in charge of seeing that your child is educated?

Have I mentioned that we homeschool?

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