Holder Won’t Say Whether DOJ is Spying on Congress

Holder Won’t Say Whether DOJ is Spying on Congress June 7, 2013

Makes perfect sense when you think about it. After all, if The Terrorists[TM] are the millions of innocent Verizon customers who are guilty till proven innocent then who can say whether Congress isn’t also teeming with The Terrorists[TM]. And if we tell them we are spying on them, we might as well give Congress the keys to some 747’s and let them fly them into the White House.

I think what this proves is that the State needs to take even more extreme measures to protect our freedoms. We are rapidly approaching a point where 300 million “Americans” hate us for our freedom. Those people are the guilty-till-proven-innocent enemies of the Real America: the Obama Administration. We have a right–nay, an *obligation*–to defend ourselves against these 300 million “Americans” by any means necessary.

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