Catholic Answers Could Really Use Our Help

Catholic Answers Could Really Use Our Help August 23, 2013

The Church calls us to evangelize and exists to do so. Catholic Answers is the largest lay Catholic evangelization and apologetics apostolate on the planet. They do amazing work on the kind of ridiculous shoestring budget only Catholic apostolates can run on. Evangelization ain’t optional. It’s the Church’s raison d’etre. If you are one of the many Catholics who doesn’t feel like they even know where to start, remember Brother Giles, the companion of St. Francis. He too felt bad because when Francis was tramping all over Italy preaching the gospel, he felt tongue-tied and awkward. So Francis told him, “We all have different gifts. If yours is not preaching, then relax find out what God has given you to do instead.” From that day forth, whenever Francis preached, Brother Giles would stand up as Francis sat down and say, “He’s right! Listen to him!” and sit down.

If you don’t know how to evangelize or talk about your faith, that’s fine. Catholic Answers does. So given ’em some money and help the gift of money God has given you help them do their work. It’s a work of mercy.

Go here and help ’em out!

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