Reactionary Layman Successfully Defends Church from Wounded Sinner Seeking God

Reactionary Layman Successfully Defends Church from Wounded Sinner Seeking God October 19, 2013

From Terry Nelson:

[W]hile he was Bishop of La Crosse, Wisconsin, Cardinal Burke permitted a transgendered woman to begin a religious community, or pious association of the faithful.  As Bishop, Burke said he did so in consultation with the Holy See.  A concerned lay woman, went over the Bishop’s head and complained to the Vatican.  As a result, the community was disbanded.

In a letter, Bishop Burke responded to the complaint, writing:

“With regard to Sister Julie Green, F.S.J., the recognition of the association of the faithful which she and Sister Anne LeBlanc founded was granted only after consultation with the Holy See,” he writes. “These are matters which are confidential and do not admit of any further comment…. I can assure you that Sister Julie Green in no way espouses a sex change operation as right or good. In fact, she holds it to be seriously disordered. Therefore, I caution you very much about the rash judgments which you made in your letter to the Apostolic Nuncio.” – Source

Although the woman could not continue as a woman religious, she was obviously admitted-accepted in the Church, and I believe she remains a faithful Catholic.

A reader then corrects him.  Apparently, thanks to the vigilance of the Reactionary Pharisee who attacked Burke and Green and made sure her efforts to serve the Church were destroyed and she felt ostracized, Green’s left the Church and is in declining health.  Way to go, Reactionaries! Here’s your millstone.  Thanks for guarding us against the laxity of flaming liberals like Burke and driving those weak and damaged people away lest they be saved and screw up your perfect little fortress. More evidence that Reactionaries hate evangelism and loathe the Church’s missionary imperative.

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