New Prolife Initiative!

New Prolife Initiative! November 14, 2013

A reader writes:

I wanted to let you know about a new pro-life project I hope you can get excited about. 50 Million Names is an online registry of names for the aborted unborn. This is a grassroots (i.e. low budget!) effort to create a legacy of love for these children. Each name will be accompanied by a gesture the Namer chooses to honor that particular child. People are already getting creative about that: plant a tree, pray a Rosary, offer service hours, send flowers to Grandma, etc…. – anything you want to do to honor the child. We’ll also be praying for the relatives and abortionists of these children. As Pope Francis said recently, “First, we must heal the wounds…heal the wounds…”

On December 12 (Our Lady of Guadalupe!), after a Mass celebrated by Fr. Matthew Habiger, we’ll have a launch party to open the website for baby names. Locals will be at Savior Pastoral Center (home of the Archdiocese of KC, KS) and supporters who can’t be there will enter names from all over the country, starting at 7 pm, CST. I’m hoping you’ll love the idea, join us in naming these unique, unrepeatable children, and help spread the word!

Fifty million thanks for any help you can give. God bless you and yours.

Violence is not the end of the story! Honor the babies – Give them names:

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