Lefty Perfecti Seek to Purge the Church of the Wrong Sort of Sinner

Lefty Perfecti Seek to Purge the Church of the Wrong Sort of Sinner March 14, 2014

Our culture tends to specialize in fostering the sorts of sins that drive Reactionaries up the wall.  So we get lots of calls from Reactionaries (almost entirely unheeded, thank God) for purges and cleansings and kickings out of those kinds of sinners.  This can create the illusion that the Left is immune to this kind of intolerance.

But, of course, when the sinner is somebody guilty of sins of which the Left is intolerant, Lefties are quite as able to don the paper mitre and demand the expulsion of the filthy sinner from the precincts of Holy.  Happily, Christ welcomes sinners or I’d be totally out in the street in a second.

I leave kicking people out to bishops.  I’m grateful that they are very reluctant to kick anybody out.

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