You can still avoid the destruction of civilization if you act now!

You can still avoid the destruction of civilization if you act now! June 1, 2015

Remember 15 years ago when the Y2K bug caused civilization to collapse and the world came to an end? Good times! Good times!

Some were led astray by Brand X Survival Guides:

Poor Leonard Nimoy. He recently died of his Y2K injuries, like so many who trusted in his words.

Our survival strategy for feeding our family on 1/1/2000 was gobbling up our friend Michael Lounsbery’s Cheerios, waffles and bacon. When those ran out, we ate little Thomas Lounsbery. He was succulent. Fun sleepover!

And all because of the realio-trulio truly true prophetic gift and wisdom of Victor Porlier. If Mr. Porlier was smart, he’d do a global search and replace, put “Obama takeover of Texas” in place of “Y2K”, reissue the book with a scary cover of Seal Team Six in gas masks marching people into FEMA-run shariah re-education camps, and sell a million copies–to the same people who bought his book before!

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