Today’s stuff for the “Prolife” Trump Supporter to Defend Instead of the Unborn

Today’s stuff for the “Prolife” Trump Supporter to Defend Instead of the Unborn December 31, 2016

Mission A: Why the Dear Leader is not a blithering moron:

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Mission B: Why the Dear Leader is not a petty, puny man: a thin-skinned little narcissist and vindictive sore winner with the emotional age of a five year old for whom victory is not enough. A spoiled manchild who cannot rest as long as there is one person who does not praise and adore him.

He is Nixon without the grace, class, maturity, and intelligence. It is excusing and defending this utterly venal little man, not defending the unborn, that will occupy the time and energy of his prolife supporters. You will ever dance to his tune, never he to yours.

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