Sessions lied about meeting with Russian envoy

Sessions lied about meeting with Russian envoy March 2, 2017

Fire him now.

In related news, today I learned that it’s not enough to be an orthodox Catholic who professes the Creed, observes the sacraments, attends Mass faithfully, and is obedient to the Church to the degree of having ten children. Nope. If you listen to multiple media sources that demonstrate evidence Jeff Sessions perjured himself about meeting with Russians and doubt the holy word of Breitbart when they shout “fake news” at this emphatically unfake story, you are a liberal. And we all know that liberals are enemies of the Faith who want to kill the babies.

We have entered the period in history where “I believe in Donald Trump” is the measure of orthodoxy for the Trump defender and the Creed has been flushed. Because Trump defenders do not measure truth or falsehood according to prudence or the gospel, but according to whether or not it helps or hurts themselves or their culture war enemies.

Happily, some Republicans are more honest than Christians Trump defenders and call for him to recuse himself from investigating Trump’s ties to Russia. And he has offered to do so. However, he should actually be fired and punished for his perjury.  Also, instead of persuing the standard strategy of the Party of Personal Responsibility–namely, “Holder lied so it’s okay that Sessions lied”–the GOP need to realize that Trump’s ties to Russia require a thorough investigation and if they refuse to do it, they are in all likelihood complicit in what could well be treason.  The US intel community already regards Trump as a Russian mole in the White House situation room and assumes that they know more about our raid on Yemen than he does (since he was busy tweeting while it was happening).  I can’t believe the GOP is dumb enough to drag its feet on this, however much Good Catholic Trump defenders are willing to completely forget their alleged core value of defending the unborn or the gospel to defend this sleaze.

But the most important thing is that a Catholic in good standing should not be tarred as a quasi-heretic for having her eyes open to reality.

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