Ben Butera from Two Catholic Men and a Blog

Ben Butera from Two Catholic Men and a Blog June 10, 2017

…has a new book out (complete with Imprimatur and everything!) called Faith with Good Reason:

This book is a practical look at faith, reason and problem solving for dealing with the common realities we face, navigating the gaps between what we know and what we don’t—for all things visible and invisible. Thinking means linking ideas. Analytical problem solving is about finding “truth” objectively, regardless of feelings, strong opinions, past experiences or intuition; finding truth even when empirical evidence is lacking or impossible to obtain. No one sees reality in its entirety, yet people firmly believe things they can’t prove. We use base premises to judge things, whether consciously or subconsciously. Like any good problem solving situation, it’s important to drill down to the base premises of our thinking and then ascertain where they come from and how reasonable they are when pressed under deliberate questioning.

Plus, it has a nifty forward by Dr. Stacy Trasancos.  Check it out!0

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