Manchild Threatens World War III

Manchild Threatens World War III September 19, 2017

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Having spent last week facing calls for impeachment from his former fan base, Trump tries to demonstrate the bigness of his tiny, tiny hands to the men such as Ann Coulter who have rejected him.  Recklessly threatening another manchild with the “total” destruction of his country (meaning the potential nuclear murder of 25 million people right on the border of China), this dunce at the helm of the mightiest military in the history of the world again demonstrates his radical unfitness for office.  God save us from him and Kim.

Meanwhile, his party works tirelessly to destroy health care for the sick, weak, poor and elderly:

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And the total obsessive focus of Real Christians[TM] at such an hour?  What precisely does Fr. Jim Martin say about gays and how can we most effectively freak out about the Pope setting a new Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences and explore conspiracy theories about it?  Oh, and is Rebecca Bratten Weiss really the Whore of Babylon or just her kid sister?

The massive triviality and childishness of the Super Catholics convinced God has ordained them to save the Church from the pope and excommunicate the Impure just wears a hole in my soul.

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