The Trump Administration Had $250,000 to Blow

The Trump Administration Had $250,000 to Blow October 9, 2017

It could have gone to help the people of Puerto Rico Trump has spat on and ridiculed.

But no, instead he blew it on sending Mike Pence to a ball game and ordering him to stage a walkout in order to gin up his white jingo base. You know, the ones who really care about “small government” and not wasting our tax dollars. Best part: the back to back phony tweets where Pence tries to make it look like this was a spontaneous act of conscience “for the troops”

Image result for pence tweet walkout

followed by Trump making clear he ordered the whole thing

In short, a stunt to please his base of white racists–and all for the low, low cost to the taxpayer of quarter of a million bucks when Pence could have just stayed home and laid on the couch during the anthem like the rest of his phony patriot base.

And all this fakeriotic “respect the troops” shinola to gin up poll numbers for a draft-dodger with phony “bone spurs” who called his years of fearing venereal disease his “personal Vietnam” and who took a dump on POWs and Gold Star families.

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