Some of the many things the “prolife” Trump supporter will spend today defending instead of defending the unborn

Some of the many things the “prolife” Trump supporter will spend today defending instead of defending the unborn July 2, 2019

Making three year olds act as their own attorney in our immigration kangaroo courts.

Faking outrage on behalf of allegedly “insulted Jews” that Trump’s concentration camps for children are called “concentration camps”.  This just got a lot harder,

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but they will continue to maintain that lie because lying for Trump is what “prolife” Christianist Trump supporters do instead of defending the unborn.

Attacking desperate people for drowning.

Lying that a secret Border Patrol Facebook group half these size of the entire Border Patrol–and chockablock with racism, misogyny, brutality and cruelty is “a few bad apples” and not a massive sign of colossal culture rot.

Their god king fighting to deny the children in his concentration camps medical care.

Spreading the bald-faced lie that AOC never visited Trump’s camps.

Laughing off, denying, denouncing as lies, and smirking at this:

Image may contain: text that says '"They took us away from our grandmother and now we are all alone. They have given us to our mother. We have been here for a long time. I have to take care of my little sister. She is very sad because she misses our mother and grandmother very much... We sleep on a cement bench. There are two mats in the room, but the big kids sleep on the mats so we have to sleep on the cement bench." BOY, AGE 8'

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And why?  Because grifting crooks like Fr. Frank Pavone, who use the corpses of the unborn as props to gin up the vote for sex predators like Donald Trump, pose as shepherds and spit on the Church’s actual teaching.  They seduce people to believe lies like this:

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There remain 7000 in Israel who have not bent the knee to Baal.  They advocate a consistent prolife ethic.  They are Catholic and Protestant, atheist, Jew, Muslim, and Christian.

And, of course, there remains the actual Magisterium and the witness of Pope Francis.

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