I have a lot of respect for Fr. Matthew Schneider, LC

I have a lot of respect for Fr. Matthew Schneider, LC September 17, 2019

He is a priest unafraid to be open about his autism and who calls us to welcome other autistic folk in the Church. Do check out his videos here.

In addition, a perusal of his Twitter feed reveals a perfectly orthodox priest with entirely orthodox views of normal Catholic things like the Eucharist. He notes stuff like Communism is Bad and so forth.

But once, in 2017, he made the mistake (for the Christianist Catholic Freak Show) of saying that you cannot be a Catholic and support Richard Spencer, an actual honest-to-God Nazi.

Guess which tweet out of his hundreds of ordinary tweets has filled up with Nazi and racist Reactionary freaks shrieking at and about him?

We get lectures to him on the need to welcome impenitent Nazis as part of the Church’s rich and colorful pageant:

We get “Being a Catholic makes being a Nazi AOK” defenses of Nazis:

We get the Whataboutist and “But abortion!” defenses of a Nazi:

We get the pedantic BS of a guy who just wants to hate gays and so defends a Nazi:

We get “Not all Nazis are the same, you know” defenses of Nazis:

We get the “Nazis are the *real* Christians” defense:

We get the “Ain’t nobody gonna tell me I have to love the least of these” defense of Nazis:

There’s the “Racist Pride is actually the Greatest Virtue” defense of Nazis:

There’s the “Actually Christianity is a white fertility cult” defense of Nazis:

There’s the “If you aren’t a Nazi you are a liberal” defense of Nazis:

There’s the “I read Taylor Marshall’s book INFILTRATION and I understand the code language he is using” defense of Nazis:

There’s the “I’ll do what I want!” defense of Nazis:

There’s the “I’m just loving my family” defense of Nazis:

There’s the “You are not cool to hurt my feels” defense of Nazis:

There’s the “How dare you say that denial of the clear teaching of the Church in favor of Nazism is mortal sin?” defense of Nazis:

There the “You are a tool of Jewish globalists and I am the real victim” defense of Nazis:

There’s the “Racism is Science and you are a Modernist heretic!” defense of Nazis:

There’s the “Nazism is a basic human right!” defense of Nazis:

There’s the “Naked Jew-hating pagan” defense of Nazis:

There’s the pedantic “Something Something Natural Law” defense of Nazis:

There’s the “Real Catholics don’t believe in human rights” defense of Nazis:

There’s the “Opposition to Nazism is Satanism” defense of Nazis”:

Nor has anything changed in two years. When Padre made this perfectly orthodox observation a few days ago…

The Freak Show immediately turned up to deny the existence of the freak tweeting above and to blame it all on the Librul media:

But I think my fave is this:

There’s something exquisite about the people who tweet back that Fr. Schneider is mean for condemning them for a sin they are definitely not guilty of even though he never attributed the sin to any specific person. The guilty conscience of the Reactionary is a sight to behold.

Meanwhile, as Nazi defenders spend all their time complaining that they are the Real Victims[TM], do be aware that if they got their way, Fr. Schneider and every other autistic person would be gassed as lebensunwertes leben.

This is a murder cult. Period. End of story.

Bravo, Fr. Schneider, for standing up for the gospel!

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