That’s a load off my mind

That’s a load off my mind November 11, 2009

Dale Ahlquist, writing in his capacity as Executive Producer for Manalive, informs me:

We’re about 3 months away from our finished project.

But then fame and fortune will follow immediately.

Good to know.

Now I have schedule that spiral into drugs, alcohol and madness, followed by a stint in rehab and the comeback talk show circuit. Any photographers out there who’d like to volunteer to be punched out in my climactic emotional public meltdown? I promise you can use whatever pics you get in your appearances on cable news and the shocking tell all cheap paperback exposing me as the Screen Idol with Feet of Clay.

Then, we can do the Tearful Reunion on Oprah, I’ll apologize, and you can gush about how you always really respected me and my work. More fame and fortune for us both!

Come on! There’s no down side here!

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