I’m gonna be super busy for the next week or so

I’m gonna be super busy for the next week or so July 8, 2011

So if you feel a burning need to watch the details of Corapi tedium unspool until the last syllable of recorded time, Deacon Greg is doing a fine job of parsing the Clintonspeak over at his blog.

As I said, my big concern was that so many people seemed to be incapable of seeing what a danger he posed to souls. My sense now is that the tide has decisively turned against trusting him and that all but the most die-hard Kool Aid drinkers recognize that he is behaving like a manipulative fraud. Now that he has made his defiance to Holy Church open and clear rather than cloaked in Marc Antony piety and fake words of respect for his his superiors, I don’t think I have anything more to add and will gladly move on.

May God yet save Fr. Corapi and his die-hard “fans” from the folly of rebellion against Holy Church. May God remember to his credit all that he has spoken well and truly about Our Lord and the Catholic faith. May God reckon to his credit all those lives it pleased God to touch through his preaching. May God save all his people from the sins of idolatry and factionalism. And may all the genuine love and charity being extended him–by both his critics and those among his supporters who are confused-but-good-hearted–be reckoned as love for Christ on That Day, just as we pray that He look not on what we truly deserve, but on the faith of his Church as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

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