April 21, 2009

I’ll be down your way May 6-7 for some stuff I need to do at Catholic Answers. I’ll be free in the evening on May 6 if your parish wants me to come speak. But we gotta set things up pretty fast if you want me! You can find out about my speaking info (topics, honoraria, etc.) here. I promise a fun and educational evening. Lemme know! Read more

April 21, 2009

A reader writes: I’ve written a few times over the last few months about various things, among them my difficult post-college job hunt and my worry over school loans – and I wanted to let you know that that I am currently in the process of being hired full-time! This position started as a temp assignment (at a mortgage company!) that was supposed to last 1-2 weeks, and I almost turned it down because it didn’t sound like it fit... Read more

April 21, 2009

Brand new Catholic Newt Gingrich is off to a great start utilizing his new ecclesial home as a base for power politickin’ and culture war positioning, sez the guy who dumped his first wife while she was in the hospital reoovering from cancer (so he could immediately marry his girlfriend–the one he later dumped for new girlfriend #3): “The Democratic Party has been the active instrument of breaking down traditional marriage.” Newt: the initials STFU were made just for you.... Read more

April 21, 2009

Because Brights are so much smarter and more realistic than the common herd. On the right rail of the Free Thinking blog, juxtaposed with this bit lunacy dancing in broad daylight, another article asks, “Are Atheists Just Immoral Fools?” Don’t tempt me, buddy. Seriously though. Atheists are really going to have to get a clue about what is being said by theists in the morality debate. Yeah, you can find some fundies who will say that it’s impossible for an... Read more

April 21, 2009

Another brilliant atheist bedazzles us with his discovery that Jesus, you see, said we should help the poor. But when people get rich, they tend to stop relying on God. So he advocates helping the poor as a way to get rid of religion. Clever fellow! What’s interest to me is the curious way in which he regards charity to the poor, not as an end in itself (because these are humans made in the image of God with intrinsic... Read more

April 21, 2009

Avast! There be kidlets! Read more

April 21, 2009

Robert Carlson. Great guy! I heard him preach once. He’s the real deal. Ed Peters takes a canonist’s look at the guy here. Is it just me or have there been some wonderful episcopal appointments lately? I await eagerly the moment when Mahony is finally gone and somebody good takes his place. Isn’t he well into geezerdom yet? I thought these guys were supposed to submit their resignation or something. God, please send LA somebody who is holy. Oh, and... Read more

April 21, 2009

Howdy Mark, Ran across an article and link on the Yahoo homepage that lets you send Pres. Obama an email message. Maybe the legions of movers and Shea-kers can overwhelm the White House. (FWIW here’s my letter) Mr. President, First of all, congratulations on your election. May God bless, guide and protect you and your family. The issue of abortion has divided this nation for many years. Your position is clear and well-known. I would like to (*oops, meant to... Read more

April 21, 2009

A reader writes: My husband has been through many, many trials in the last year and a half with his job situation(s). I won’t burden you with the details, but right now he is in the hiring process for a company which will put us back on our own feet again (thanks be to God for generous relatives!). Our request is for the whole process to go smoothly, that my husband is hired permanently, and for the grace to accept... Read more

April 21, 2009

A reader writes: My husband has been through many, many trials in the last year and a half with his job situation(s). I won’t burden you with the details, but right now he is in the hiring process for a company which will put us back on our own feet again (thanks be to God for generous relatives!). Our request is for the whole process to go smoothly, that my husband is hired permanently, and for the grace to accept... Read more

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