April 3, 2009

…for a friend who had her eye removed due to cancer, that it neither metastasize nor recur. Also, please pray for peace of soul for his friend, who is fearful that it may do so. Father, hear the prayer of your children through our Lord Jesus Christ! Mother Mary, St. Luke and St. Peregrine, pray for this young woman that she may find peace. Read more

April 3, 2009

…for a friend who had her eye removed due to cancer, that it neither metastasize nor recur. Also, please pray for peace of soul for his friend, who is fearful that it may do so. Father, hear the prayer of your children through our Lord Jesus Christ! Mother Mary, St. Luke and St. Peregrine, pray for this young woman that she may find peace. Read more

April 3, 2009

A reader asks: Again, where were you all when pro-choice, pro-death penalty, pro Iraq War, pro-torture Condie Rice spoke at Boston University? Oh, that’s right; she’s a Republican. Never mind. IOKIYAR. I take it you don’t read this blog too often. It’s been a while since I’ve been accused of being a GOP shill, much less pro-choice, pro-death penalty, pro Iraq War, or pro-torture. But the needs of the demagogue seldom cavil at such trivialities as facts or the thought... Read more

April 3, 2009

A reader asks: Again, where were you all when pro-choice, pro-death penalty, pro Iraq War, pro-torture Condie Rice spoke at Boston University? Oh, that’s right; she’s a Republican. Never mind. IOKIYAR. I take it you don’t read this blog too often. It’s been a while since I’ve been accused of being a GOP shill, much less pro-choice, pro-death penalty, pro Iraq War, or pro-torture. But the needs of the demagogue seldom cavil at such trivialities as facts or the thought... Read more

April 3, 2009

Killing perfectly healthy people because they are in the mood to die. Eventually, this will lead to killing perfectly healthy people because strong people are in a mood to kill them. But that will only come once somebody asks the inevitable question, “What’s so sacred about consent? Sez who?” Read more

April 3, 2009

Killing perfectly healthy people because they are in the mood to die. Eventually, this will lead to killing perfectly healthy people because strong people are in a mood to kill them. But that will only come once somebody asks the inevitable question, “What’s so sacred about consent? Sez who?” Read more

April 3, 2009

…“>order people of Iowa to pretend that gay unions constitute “marriage.” Everybody knows it not really marriage, of course, or you wouldn’t have to get Robed Masters to try to force people to pretend it is. But the silly fiction continues. Read more

April 3, 2009

Dear faithful pro-life bloggers, Greetings from the USCCB’s Pro-Life Secretariat. I’m Deirdre McQuade, and I oversee communications efforts to teach Catholics and the general public to respect all life from conception to natural death. First, I want to thank you for all you do to help raise awareness in the blogosphere on the fundamental dignity of life — especially of the most vulnerable members of our society, the unborn. Our office did an extensive assessment of pro-life blogs recently and... Read more

April 3, 2009

Ascension Press is looking to hire a Web Developer/Designer to serve as the company’s full-time webmaster in its West Chester, PA office. Here are the details Read more

April 3, 2009

The other day, I noted that while the State has its fingers in the sacrament of marriage, nobody thinks it should be in the business of mucking about in the ceremonies which surround the beginning of life, such as baptism or circumcision. A vigilant reader in England points out that, true to form, you can always find somebody on the daffy British Left who breaks the mold (or “mould” as our cousins across the Pond write it). As my reader... Read more

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