March 13, 2009

We are now a little over 10 days into the shoot and things are still going well. Yesterday, Innocent checked into his room and Rosamund flipped out over his proposal to Miss Mary Grey. Ashley Ahlquist seems to have a natural aptitude for comedy and was cracking me up. Today, Innocent and Mary met for the very first time (such is the filmmaking process). The weather has turned to a pleasant cool grey much beloved by Seattleites but anathema to... Read more

March 10, 2009

In which we look at the Incarnation. Read more

March 10, 2009

In which we learn that murder remains bad even when we come up with great excuses for it. Read more

March 9, 2009

Just in case you are wondering how we do what we are doing down here in Savannah, Sir Ian McKellan explains the rich and subtle process we actors call “acting”: I get choked up just listening to this True Artiste explicating the mysteries of our craft to the masses. Things are proceeding apace. Yesterday, Innocent Smith made his first entrance at Beacon House, startling the dull residents therein (not for the last time), irritating Dr. Warner, proclaiming victory over his... Read more

March 7, 2009

It’s been a busy couple of days. The other day we re-shot scenes on the roof of the house (a very tall house with a very very long plummet from eave to brick garden pathway. Joey was happy with what we got and it went in the Macbook I am typing this on. So that’s finished. By the way, one fun thing about shooting movies is that mornings work just fine as evenings. All we have to do is tell... Read more

March 4, 2009

Yesterday, mostly consisted of techie stuff as the DOP and director talked about how to shoot and download everything on to computers, as well as sound and all that stuff. I had little to do besides memorize dialogue for the next few days of shooting, which I did. The main difference between Innocent and me, so far, is that, for a big fat guy, it is a complete mystery how his metabolism works. It is obviously pitched way higher than... Read more

March 3, 2009

I need to trouble you and your readers for yet more prayers. A close friend’s mother has just passed away. She leaves behind a husband and three sons, ranging in age from 14 to 27. Her funeral is this coming Saturday morning. Also, a teacher at my old elementary school – a really wonderful woman whom my entire family loved, and whom we still saw from time to time – passed away very suddenly last week. Her funeral is on... Read more

March 3, 2009

In which we continue our look at the Creed and find out why it matters that the Son of God is begotten, not made. Read more

March 3, 2009

In which we learn why God bothered to underscore something as obvious as “Honor Your Father and Your Mother“. Read more

March 3, 2009

Walla2 went well (St. Paddy’s is a great parish and my hosts, Roger and Anita Treis are lovely people!) I zipped home at 8 AM Sunday morning, went to Mass with the fambly for the last time in a month, blasted off to the rifle range with Sean, rushed over the Lynnwood pool for the birthday party, zoomed home for the cake and ice cream and presents, finished packing and getting ready, prayed with the fambly for the last time... Read more

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