February 13, 2009

I recently read *The Hobbit*, and I’m half-way through the trilogy of LOTR. I’m having a great time with it! Is there a Catholic commentary on this? I’ve looked on Amazon and in a local bookstore, but didn’t quite find what I was looking for. Do you have any suggestions? I wouldn’t rush off to read a commentary, Catholic or otherwise, too fast. First, I think it’s important to *receive* a story, especially a great story, like a good meal.... Read more

February 13, 2009

for all your thought course correction needs. The indefatigible Tom Kreitzberg helps readers avoid theological blunders that Rod Dreher and Kathy Shaidle helpfully illustrate. Having gotten my own course corrections for my own blunders from time to time from Tom–and having profited from them immensely–I unhestitatingly recommend Tom’s course corrections. Read more

February 13, 2009

Firefighter reunites with woman he saved 40 years ago. Read more

February 13, 2009

Important Information on the Stimulus Payment This year, taxpayers will receive an Economic Stimulus Payment. This is a very exciting new program that I will explain using the Q and A format: Q. What is an Economic Stimulus Payment?A. It is money that the federal government will send to Taxpayers. Q. Where will the government get this money?A. From taxpayers. Q. So the government is giving me back my own money?A. Only a smidgen. Q. What is the purpose of... Read more

February 13, 2009

Please pray for my grandmother. We think she’s about to have a stroke. Right now, we’re waiting for EMS. She’s taken her nitro-pills, and seems to be better, but we’re still in the dark about what’s going to happen. Father, please grant that she not have a stroke and keep her healthy. Grant skill to the medical team and peace and consolation to her family. We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Read more

February 13, 2009

My target is always the latter. In other words, there is the proposition of natural selection, which is basically common sense. Then there are the various vast and unwarranted metaphysical deductions, many of them extremely evil, which poltroons, bullies, atheist materialists, Nazis, and village atheists have drawn in constructing the Darwin Mythos. The problem with Darwin is this: was he a hypocrite or a eupocrite? Was he better than his worst rhetoric or much worse than his best rhetoric? I... Read more

February 13, 2009

…who knows a helluva lot more about the internal niceties of ecclesial appointment than I do, confirms a point I was making about our easy breezy fact-free combox pontifications: This is not to suggest that every John Paul bishop proved to be a rock-solid tower of strength. Leadership failures by “pastoral” bishops and “John Paul” bishops alike underline one of the great mysteries of Catholic life: Who really chooses the pastors of the Church, and on what basis? Read more

February 13, 2009

Ten students from John Paul the Great Catholic University have started blogging about the films and student enterprises they are working on. Check out their work! Read more

February 13, 2009

…(you can see their link over on the left rail) writes: Trust you are well. We have a number of new titles – Divine Intimacy, Clementine Vulgate Bible, Darkness Visible and True Devotion to Our Lady. These are super titles, and with the exception of Darkness Visible should make suitable Lenten reading. News on the Breviary will be imminent. We are in the proofreading stages now, and I hope that the Diocese of Lincoln will be able to find someone... Read more

February 13, 2009

I open my trusty Magnificat, turn to the morning prayers for today …AND THEY AREN’T THERE! THE WHOLE DAY IS SIMPLY NOT IN THERE! For some reason, that reminds me of this great Wodehouse poem: Printer’s Error by P G Wodehouse As o’er my latest book I pored,Enjoying it immensely,I suddenly exclaimed ‘Good Lord!’And gripped the volume tensely.‘Golly!’ I cried. I writhed in pain.‘They’ve done it on me once again!’And furrows creased my brow.I’d written (which I thought quite good)‘Ruth,... Read more

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