January 6, 2009

Ya think? It turns out that kids who think they have a duty to love God and neighbor and not treat the boy or girl next door like an apparatus designed for relieving libido are less likely to climb into each other’s pants, whereas kids who are raised to see virginity as failure and themselves as rutting animals or disciples of rap singers are more likely to have sex. Who could possibly have foreseen it? It’s so great that Science... Read more

January 6, 2009

One Cardinal Difference Between Christ and the New Age is that the New Age bids us to “abandon the past” while Christ bids us only to abandon our sins. That’s because Christ knows that the thing which makes us uniquely human is our ability to remember the past. Not simply our own personal past (a dog can do that), but the pasts of millions of others. That is what a culture and a civilization *is*, and that is why Israel’s... Read more

January 6, 2009

Yes, but can you walk on water in them? Nice, but I’m saving my money for the Collectable Plate. It just makes me feel all safe and ginchy inside! Read more

January 6, 2009

Yes, but can you walk on water in them? Nice, but I’m saving my money for the Collectable Plate. It just makes me feel all safe and ginchy inside! Read more

January 6, 2009

Chesterton is Now Downloadble onto MP3 Tons of good stuff available for free! Read more

January 6, 2009

A reader writes of the troubles in Gaza: Without a dissenting voice on the left – the answer is always to turn the other cheek. And that’s fine in the West because generally once the political objective is obtained, Westerners feel that the need to continue terror is over (as in Ireland). What if the objective is not freedom and independence, but to destroy the West? As long as the West survives it existence is oppression to the jihadists –... Read more

January 6, 2009

A reader writes: If you are like me, you have felt somewhat concerned about the results of the election and the future of our country. We have started a grassroots effort and I hope you will join us in doing one little thing that could help to change the course of history. WHO: A few faithful Catholic lay people and priests. (Anyone can do this: stay-at-home moms, singles, retired people, students–anyone.) WHAT: Have a Mass offered on Inauguration Day for... Read more

January 6, 2009

Oh dear The difficulty with the Internet is that anybody can have a website and they usually do. Here’s a cunning atheist asking the musical question “If I propose nonsense questions like “How much does yellow weigh?”, will God answer them? Ah HA! Thought not! So there you are!“ Elsewhere on the site we get the sort of random and illiterate heckling that so often passes for atheist “thought”. Jeepers, ancient Hebrews did not classify animals according to Linnean taxonomies,... Read more

January 6, 2009

The Skating Nun Another lovely little tale from our “Grace is Dark Matter” department. The world *swims* in these little encounters that go entirely unnotice by what is laughingly referred to as the News Media. Such really is news: it brings us encounters with a God we never expected. But it’s not “news” (i.e., the daily diet cola of excitements and brain farts that the media trade in so that they may sell beer and shampoo). Read more

January 5, 2009

Reader Cantorboy writes: Happy New Year! Congratulations on the up and coming grandbaby! By now your readers are used to the occasional dumb comment or lame attempt at humor from Cantorboy. Today I write with an earnest request for prayers. Our first grandson, Jack Michael, was born last Friday. He is a 27 week preemie and a wee lad indeed, weighing in at a hefty 1 lb 9 oz. The kind prayers of your gentle readers would be much appreciated.... Read more

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