“The Greatest GO On Earth”

“The Greatest GO On Earth” July 3, 2023

The lights dimmed, drum cadence began, and dance team started to move. Scores of children’s eyes turned toward the stage, mesmerized. “This – is – the – great-est show!” The lyrics rang rhythmically, as on the screen feet thumped and the ringmaster directed. The movie opening set the stage for a story that became known as “The Greatest Show on Earth.” However, Vanguard Church was setting the stage to show the children something far better, something we call:  “The Greatest GO On Earth.”

Boys and girls joined us to learn what it means to “come follow Jesus” and then “go make disciples.” On the first morning, I invited them in with an official, “Welcome to the Big Top! I am the Ringmaster here, and we have an amazing week planned for you! We’re so glad you’re a part of VBB 2023” The drama kids performed, the dance team moved, the unicyclists swirled, and the worship kids led us in praise. Then, we sent four huge Houses of children off to their VBB Station Rotations, including “Let’s GO Scripture Station,” Celebration Station, Trapeze Tournaments and Carnival Concessions. Through these, we taught all the children God entrusted to us about the truth of His Word.

Not Vacation Bible School, but Vacation Bible BLAST

Years ago, our children’s ministry team decided that kids probably don’t so much enjoy “school” in the summer. So, rather than calling our yearly event Vacation Bible School, we dubbed our extravaganza “Vacation Bible Blast” or “VBB.” The name stuck.

In 2003, we did our first movie-themed VBB. “The Potter Project,” we called it. Such set the precedent for years to come, including this year, two decades later. Months ago, as I prayed about what movie to use as our springboard to reach kids in this year’s VBB, someone in my life group mentioned the possibility of “The Greatest Showman.”

My daughter Journey Grace watched the movie with me later that night. Pondering it on my way to bed, I prayed, “Lord, if this movie is what You want us to use this year, I need you to speak clearly the theme.” Immediately the phrase “The Greatest GO On Earth” came to my mind. When I told Journey Grace, she loved it. A few days later, when I gingerly spoke the idea to a church staff member, he smiled, “You know, last summer I told my wife I thought we should use that movie for VBB.” With these confirmations and more, we decided to go forward with the idea.

Churches in Partnership

Our Spanish-speaking sister church, Iglesia Palabra Viva y Eficaz, joined us in this ministry adventure. Unicyclists, jugglers, soccer players, talented actors and scores of leaders helped us carry out the theme. We taught the children how to give their hearts and lives to Jesus. We challenged them to use all their gifts, talents and opportunities God has given them, and then we encouraged them that they can share His Good News with others.

Thing is, unlike the legendary “Greatest Show on Earth,” the Kingdom of God isn’t a place where just a few extraordinary, talented people get to perform. In God’s Kingdom, nobody with a real relationship with Jesus need be just an onlooker. At our Vacation Bible Blast, we taught everyone involved that they can all be active participants using whatever gifts, talents and opportunities God gives them.

Toward the end of the week’s event, as we acted out the drama on the Big Top stage, I took off my ringmaster hat and placed it on the head of one of the drama kids, who happened to be my own Journey Grace. “I may be the Ringmaster in this Big Top this week,” I told her, in double entendre to the crowd of children, “But the truth is that God wants all of us to be part of ‘The Greatest GO On Earth’ and lead others to Him.”

And how do we know this is so? Because “The Greatest GO On Earth” started that way.

The Greatest GO In Scripture

The mission began after Jesus’ resurrection, as men and women alike were told to GO and TELL what they had seen and heard. The Gospels tell us that Jesus bid His followers to go with the authority He gave them and to proclaim the good news that He had shown them. They went, spreading like wildfire the amazing news of our resurrected Lord.

Both men and women obeyed, and thus they began “The Greatest GO On Earth.” Each, in his or her own way, told the amazing news of what they had experienced and encountered with Jesus. Some of their stories were written down for us to read in the Gospels. Others of their stories are passed on through Church tradition. Certainly, most of these Jesus stories are known only in eternity. Yet, here we are today, evidence of the fact that Jesus’ followers took His command seriously.

The “Go!” Jesus gave them was not just a suggestion to a few men but the mission He gave all His devoted followers.

“The Greatest GO” Continues into the Next Generation

“The Greatest GO On Earth” is still alive and active, full of movement and energy. Passionate people who have been impacted by the one true living God go into every realm of their world and share who He is and what He has done. Men, women, teenagers, boys and girls, one and all can be part of “The Greatest GO.” For Vanguard Church and Iglesia Palabra, our VBB 2023 was an incredible moment in time to do this with children and teenagers God entrusted to us.

Turned out, it was a pretty great show. An amazing week was had by all. However, more important, oh ever more important, this ministry opportunity was a sending.

The lights are up and the cadence continues. And this time, the stage is set for the movement of the next generation for Jesus. May we all move in step with His command.

“This – is – the – Great-est – GO!!!”

Be Encouraged! ❤️



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