Would you refuse to negotiate if…?

Would you refuse to negotiate if…? October 6, 2013

donkeyselephants-300x300Whatever your opinion about whose fault it is, our government has gotten beyond ridiculous. Many people from my church are out of work because of the government shutdown. So I thought for the sake of some absurdist comic relief, I would start a game of “Would you refuse to negotiate if…?” The way you play the game is to think of the most ridiculous expectations that neighbors, husbands, wives, or kids could have for someone else to “negotiate” with them. Please add your own in the comment section.

1) Would you refuse to negotiate if your neighbor set up a tollbooth in your cul-de-sac and offered to give you a special discount for the right to drive on your street?

2) Would you refuse to negotiate if your husband said he would be willing to buy a new set of dishes from IKEA every day instead of washing the dirty ones in the sink at night?

3) Would you refuse to negotiate if your neighbor’s teenage son went door to door handing out free earplugs in preparation for the big party?

4) Would you refuse to negotiate if your daughter told you she would wear either her cleats or her shinguards to soccer practice but not both?

5) Would you refuse to negotiate if the garbage collectors instated a new policy that all garbage must be sealed in ziplock bags before putting it into the can?

6) Would you refuse to negotiate if your child’s school informed you that only children who sold at least 2000 candy bars would be allowed to learn math or science?

7) Would you refuse to negotiate if your dentist told you it would be a whole lot easier just to pull out all your teeth and start over with some fresh implants?

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