Are You Generous and Holy in Bed?

Are You Generous and Holy in Bed? August 14, 2013

Are You Generous and Holy in Bed? 

The post linked above was written by a woman, but I think it applies to husbands and wives equally. I can’t count the times women have told me that they just aren’t interested in having sex as frequently as their husband is. When I hear that, it isn’t a surprise. Historically, this is a common problem. God made men and women gloriously different and women are (generally) fulfilled in a much more time intensive manner that leads to physical intimacy. Men (generally) need both emotional and physical attention, too, but the way they are made makes the physical aspect more paramount. Mix this fundamental difference with hormone variances brought by outside factors and the result could be detrimental to a marriage. But it doesn’t have to be. The question that comes to mind when I hear about unequally yoked libidos is: who isn’t being generous in bed? Often, both people.

Wives, we must be more generous with our bodies to our husband. We are a gift from God to him. Who are we to with-hold it? And husbands, if your wife doesn’t enjoy sex as much as you do, maybe it is because you aren’t making it enjoyable for her. The question we all need to ask ourselves is, are we more concerned with bringing delight to our spouse or in looking out for our own interests? I don’t often hear women who are married to generous lovers complain about sex. Men (thankfully) don’t talk about their sex lives with me, but I think it is safe for us to assume that a husband who satisfies his wife regularly is one confident and happy guy!

(Of course there are situations where this isn’t the case. There are times when abstaining is unfortunately necessary (high risk pregnancies, for example), or times where one party is being sexually abusive to the other (which shouldn’t be tolerated, please get help if this is your situation) but this should not be the norm.)

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