Fight for Us

Fight for Us February 25, 2014

Fight for Us

↑ This post is incredibly encouraging. The last month has been a tough one for me. With the gloriously answered prayer has come the revisited burden of serious hormone upset. Old symptoms that had previously been gotten “under control” reared their ugly heads and brought with them a host of debilitating inconveniences. Hyperemesis Gravidarum: The gift that just keeps on giving. Staying focused and strong and fighting against becoming overwhelmed was easier in the beginning, but as the last couple weeks have worn on, it has become much trickier. I do feel alone, I feel frustrated and so very tired. But I need to keep fighting. I need to keep pursuing God and being thankful. I have been given so much. Acknowledging blessings don’t negate a hardship, but it certainly makes them more manageable.

This trial is an indication of God’s love for me. He challenges me because He loves me. I could let my situation overwhelm me or I can rely fully on God to sustain me through it. The former will beat me down and the latter will free me. As I type this, I am beginning to understand that this realization is probably what He was patiently waiting for — and it is humiliating that I didn’t realize this weeks ago. In the words of Homer Simpson, “Doh!”.  And there is my thankfulness, my joy, restored — washing over me like sunlight in August. God takes us where we are, not where we should be. Eucharisteo.

I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. -Isaiah 46:4

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