God Hates Domestic Violence

God Hates Domestic Violence February 25, 2014

I started to cry as I read this. Not for myself, but I deeply care for too many women who are in or have been in this situation. This article is for the guys, but this is something we women need to remember, too. God hates domestic violence! If your guy hits you, if he yells at you, if he swears at you, if he hurts you physically (even sexually) — please, get help right now. 

“When we assume that God hates divorce more than He hates domestic violence it shows how little we understand His passion for His daughters. It also leads to the disastrous consequence of making women feel like they are obligated to stay in a dangerous situation that God hates. The last thing a woman fleeing a dangerous home should feel is guilt. She is serving God’s purpose by ending something He hates—violence against her.”

Read the whole article: http://www.garythomas.com/god-hates-domestic-violence/

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