
Same February 15, 2015

After we’ve been in the church for a while, I think it is easy to forget how ugly our sins are and to see other’s sins as bigger then our own. But the truth is, if our hearts are really sitting at the foot of the cross — the opposite would be happening.

You see, when we think the other guy needs Jesus more in this moment then we do, we are missing the point completely – we aren’t seeing ourselves truthfully. Think about it: the drug addict, the fornicator, the rapist, the woman getting an abortion, that mom who is yelling at her kids in Walmart, the homeless man who stinks to high heaven of filth — do you see how you and I are exactly the same as all these?

We are all dirty. We are all fools. We are all self obsessed, pictures of unbridled unkindness. Outside of Christ we are all hopeless. You and I, we are the whore at Jesus feet,, and when we realize that, only then can we bask in His abundance of forgiveness — only then are we able to share His goodness. Only then are we truly free.

“Of all the acts of worship in which she could engage, none was greater than coming to Jesus with faith, knowing and believing that he loved her, accepted her, forgave her, and sent her on her way in peace. ”

-Excerpt from Everything I Know About Worship I Learned from a Whore. 

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