Some Wednesdays are for Grateful

Some Wednesdays are for Grateful August 24, 2011

That’s why I have this list:

  • Is there a better way to love your friend than to fly to her home in a cool city that you never get to see because you’re stuck in her air conditioned (PTL!) apartment for three days helping her feed, clean and tuck in her kids? Cat Prewitt is a hero who deserved a much cooler vacation this past weekend. But she made my birthday full of sweetness. (Also, she took August to the store to buy cake mix and they made me a birthday cake while I read the newest issue of Vanity Fair! What a lady.)
  • I’m thankful that I spent my birthday night with two of my dearest friends from two separate pieces of my life. They don’t know each other. But they were both with me in my living room, laughing. I love it when my worlds smush together.
  • My Yoobs, whom I love so much, sent me the most beautiful bouquet of flowers Monday. And it literally came to my door as I was wiping a child’s poop off the floor. Grace has a sense of humor. (They also wrote a poem to me, each stanza emailed from a separate person. It was awesome.)
  • I’m thankful for sweet messages on Facebook. Is it true that I heard from someone on my 4th grade softball team whom I haven’t seen since 7th grade? Yes, that’s true. Oh, the wonders of Facebook.
  • Christopher came home. He’s the best.
  • My baby fell asleep Tuesday night on his own, without a tear.
  • My baby’s laugh is thick and rich and lovely.
  • August and I can actually recognize the individual deer in our temporary “back yard.” One is a mama with a broken leg. It’s grown back crooked and she limps, her Bambi following behind her. All the deer are hungry in this drought. So, I’ve taken to throwing my veggie ends out to them. (Is that wrong? I can’t help it.) This afternoon Mama and Bambi walked by and I remembered I hadn’t cut or cleaned our celery. “Hurry, Aug!” I said. “I just want Mama to get the celery before the other deer come.” My son ran to the kitchen with me, saying, “Hurry, Mommy!” while I chopped the ends off and he helped me throw them out for the deer (who, believe it or not, stand 2 feet behind our fence staring at us). I’m thankful I could feed her. (I know what it feels like to be a hungry breastfeeding mama.)
  • I’m thankful for books and letters and phone calls and sunshine and splash pads and friendship and iced coffee.

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