Thankful Tuesday: Oh the Holidays!

Thankful Tuesday: Oh the Holidays! January 8, 2013

(We traveled to Texas, Philadelphia, and made a little hop up to Connecticut. You know, keeping it simple.)

  • Christmas morning snow… in Texas
  • Time with my grandmothers. (Ages 88 and 91)
  • A night of hanging out in my brother’s kitchen with both brothers, both sisters in law, and my husband! This is a feat very difficult to pull off and I’m grateful for my husband who made that gathering happen
  • How Brooksie has learned to make this face
  • My sweet nephew looking out for August during the candlelight service
  • My husband’s gift in the art of turkey roasting
  • Morning coffee time with my mom, aunt and grandma
  • Lots of cousins playing together in small spaces
  • For the wild togetherness of my family in Amarillo, for the made-up games, family Wii Just Dance, and all the dogs everywhere (Even, apparently, on my dad’s head in the picture below.)
  • For my nieces and nephews reading parts of the Christmas story on Christmas Eve and for E sharing her favorite Bible verses
  • For the restful days at my mother in law’s, for her soup, her salad, and her faithful attention to her grandsons
  • For my mother in law’s awesome fur coat. (Why, yes, that is my going-out outfit. Judge not.)
  • For books read in the middle of the day
  • Lots of together time for August and Grama Sue (Chris’ grandmother)
  • For coffee dates with friends in Philly
  • Family snow time in Connecticut and front yard sledding in the Philadelphia burbs
  • A sweet introduction to Samantha, our new niece
  • An amazing night of “Just Dance”-ing in the New Year with our Philly friends. (I’m always grateful that we are welcomed back into our friendships there. When we’re there, it feels like we’ve continued to live our lives with those friends. That’s such a gift.)
  • Boys who miraculously have learned to sleep on airplanes and who adjust fairly well to time zone changes.

It was a good rest, a wonderful celebration of a 12 day trip and I’m so so so grateful to be home again.

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