Thankful Tuesday: Sky! Sky!

Thankful Tuesday: Sky! Sky! January 15, 2013
  • Coffee in the middle of a tired day
  • Brooksie’s current obsession with the sky
  • One of our new family resolutions: Sharing our “highs and lows” during every dinner. (And laughing at Brooks’ responses: “What was the best part of your day, Brooksie? Sky! What was the hardest part of your day? Sky!)
  • Finishing Kristin Lavransdatter last week. Don’t you love the achy feeling of ending a good book and knowing those characters are going to live with you for the rest of your days? (PS I need to talk to any of you who read this book about the end. I can’t stop thinking about what Ulf said to the priest! Thoughts?)
  • Reading Slate’s TV clubs for all my favorite shows: Downton Abbey, Parenthood, and (I cannot get enough of this one) Nashville. (Is anybody else out there obsessed with Nashville?)
  • The satisfaction of finally having a rug at the kitchen sink. It’s the small things people.
  • Friends like Cecelia and Steve, who went to the museum with the four of us and played “pass the stroller” in the courtyard until we got in trouble. (Good times.)
  • Last week my friend Bo had emergency open heart surgery. I’m grateful for his community of friends who prayed for him. I’m grateful for friends on Twitter and Facebook who would pray for my friend, a stranger to them. I’m grateful for amazing surgeons and the miracle of what they can do for our bodies. Bo is doing well and healing up. Thankful thankful.
  • For drawers in the boys’ room! (Their clothes have been in baskets since we moved in. Sigh of relief.)
  • For how much my boys love their babysitter
  • Sunday night Chris and I sat down and worked through the intimidating task of listing our top ten choices for elementary schools for August next year. The public school district in San Francisco has a very complicated lottery system. I’ve been trying to dissect it since we came back but I’ve been overwhelmed. I can’t tell you what a relief it was to watch my husband spend four hours reading and sorting and making charts. (I heart charts that someone else makes and I can just read.) I’m thankful I have a husband who works through the confusing choices with me.
  • For a fridge full of groceries
  • For little boys who still need their mommy to wipe their noses and hike up their droopy drawers. I know this stage is short.


It’s Thankful Tuesday. What’s on your list?

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