Found releases in 33 days! So, as we head into the month of March, I just wanted to take a moment to remind you that it is available for pre-order on Amazon here. (You can buy it in paperback or Kindle!)
Here are what some people are saying about it…
“I read Micha’s words and my breathing slows. She gives perspective. And hope. And a refreshing lightness to not take what doesn’t matter too seriously. She revives: When you order the tangle of your days around Him, He untangles you. She moves: The moments all matter. The daily awareness of the small add up to the whole of your life and her words are like a dawn, stirring you to wake and walk.”
—Ann Voskamp, author of One Thousand Gifts
“I read Micha Boyett’s journey into prayer as any blackbelt sinner will, by which I mean anybody will–with sheer delight at her graceful language and riveting struggle for a hard-won faith. Found is a deep, sweet invitation into God’s loving presence. A must read for nonbelievers and believers alike.”
—Mary Karr, poet and best-selling author of The Liar’s Club and Lit
“This book is stunning. Beautifully written, Micha Boyett’s Found is a penetrating story, rich in humanity and faith, the kind of book that stays with you long after you’ve read its last page. Like Henri Nouwen and Madeline L’Engle, Boyett’s spiritual journey is divinely practical, a relatable and potentially anointed narrative that renews, inspires, and reminds us that we are not lost.”
—Matthew Paul Turner, author of Churched and Our Great Big American God
“With this beautiful book, Micha Boyett opens a door to Benedictine spirituality through which regular, busy people can enter and taste, see, smell, hear, and feel what it means to live life as a prayer. This debut sets Boyett apart as one of the most promising new writers of a generation.”
—Rachel Held Evans, author of A Year of Biblical Womanhood
“Confession: I cried as I read the last page, sad that my journey with Micha and her prayers and her babies was over. A lovely, honest book.”
—Shauna Niequist, author of Bread & Wine
“I devoured this kind and generous book: Micha is singing the longings of all the tired mother pilgrims. Every word is like motherhood: elegant, earthy, loving, and present.”
—Sarah Bessey, author of Jesus Feminist
“With grit and honesty, Micha pulls back the curtain on the beauty and liturgy of everyday life as a mother, a wife, and a follower of Jesus. Her memoir is a welcoming, inspiring read.”
—Sandra McCracken, recording artist, producer and hymn writer
“I defy any parent not to be moved by, and relate to, the raw struggle behind Micha Boyett’s diamond-cut prose. When I finished Found I was compelled to write a gushing confession to Boyett about how she tapped into my own atheist heart. No matter what you believe, you’ll want to do the same.”
—Lauren Sandler, author of Righteous and One and Only
“Micha Boyett is in search for the beauty in the everyday, the prayer that hides itself in dinners and diapers and naps. She is as skilled of a tour guide for Benedictine spirituality as she is for her own story, and in these pages you will find that the sacred has been there all along.”
—Adam S. McHugh, author of Introverts in the Church
“Reading Found is like taking a deep breath of grace. You’ll hear the echo of your own questions and doubts in the gentle ways Micha Boyett addresses her own, and by the end, you’ll feel the quiet goodness of enough. For anyone who’s ever gotten prayer all tangled up in performance—this one’s for you.”
—Addie Zierman, author of When We Were On Fire: A Memoir of Consuming Faith, Tangled Love and Starting Over
“Micha Boyett has crafted a memoir that will resonate deeply with every mother. Boyett’s words, so beautifully wrought, ultimately offer hope, comfort, and healing. In Found, Boyett gives us a fresh depiction of the truth that if we seek God, we surely will find—or be found— by him.”
—Helen Lee, author of The Missional Mom
“For years, Micha Boyett tried to win God’s approval through her works: first as a would-be missionary, then as a poet, then as youth group leader, and, finally, as a mother. For years, she worked at prayer too. But only after forgetting how to pray did she find its true nature. Prayer, St. Benedict said, is ‘the work of God.’ Boyett’s lovely book is itself such a prayer.”
—Karen Swallow Prior, author of Booked: Literature in the Soul of Me
“Micha Boyett has written a stunningly beautiful spiritual memoir. Found will resonate with anyone who has lost sight of who she is after taking on new roles or beginning a new season of adulthood—and anyone who longs for signs of God’s grace and presence. You’ll lose yourself in the story and perhaps, like Boyett, also come to find a new way to approach the divine.”
—Jennifer Grant, author of Love You More, MOMumental, Disquiet Time, and 12.
“Tender and intimate, searching and true, Micha Boyett’s journey is extraordinary because it is ordinary. She asks questions that many of us would never dare say aloud. And in her quest for answers, she helps us rediscover the power of prayer and marvel again at the mystery of faith.”
—Jeff Chu, author of Does Jesus Really Love Me?: A Gay Christian’s Pilgrimage in Search of God in America
“Micha’s quest for a meaningful relationship with God inspires and convicts. It’s rare to find someone with such keen determination to search for an authentic expression of faith. As a Catholic mom of five, I found much to emulate in Micha’s delight with the Benedictine practice of faith—especially ordering our days around prayer. Found is a poignant, beautiful treasure.”
—Elizabeth Esther, author of Girl at the End of the World: My Escape from Fundamentalism in Search of Faith with a Future
“Micha Boyett writes with elegance and honesty about the search for sacred space in the midst of life—on the playground, in the kitchen, on the street. Her book speaks powerfully to one of the most perennial questions of all—how do we find God in the day-to-day mess?”
—Andrea Palpant Dilley, author of Faith and Other Flat Tires: Searching for God on the Rough Road of Doubt
“In Found, Micha Boyett tells the small story of her own redemptions, inviting readers into a life of earnest spiritual seeking. Written in reflective bursts of prose mirroring monastic hours and the holy calendar, Boyett has created an account of spiritual resolve, believing that the most important journeys of the heart are the modest ones.”
—Dave Harrity, director of ANTLER and author of Making Manifest: On Faith, Creativity, and the Kingdom at Hand
“In Found, Micha Boyett takes us from motherhood to monasticism and back again with the sensibilities of a poet, the spiritual inquisitiveness of an oblate, and the weariness and delight of a young mother trying to hold on to wonder in the midst of an ordinary and blessed life.”
—Amy Julia Becker, author of A Good and Perfect Gift: Faith, Expectations, and a Little Girl Named Penny