Grape is Thy Faithfulness! (aka Thankful Tuesday after Easter Sunday)

Grape is Thy Faithfulness! (aka Thankful Tuesday after Easter Sunday) April 26, 2011
  • Last night when I was putting him to bed, August asked me to sing “Great is Thy Faithfulness” to him. Then he smiled to himself and shouted: “Grape is Thy Faithfulness!…Blueberries is Thy Faithfulness!” He thought he was pretty hilarious and I thought it was kind of amazing. So, of course, I agreed to sing “Grape is Thy Faithfulness” for the boy, which should probably be the theme song for my Northern California wine-loving church.
  • You know how I love Gerard Manley Hopkins? My favorite poem of his is “God’s Grandeur” when he describes the “dearest freshness deep down things.” I was thinking about those words last night when we said goodbye to our last round of visiting family. Chris’ dad, step mom, and half siblings were here for the past five days. Before that my mother-in-law was in town taking care of us for almost two weeks.  It’s so good to be loved and cared for. There’s a sweet wonderful about having grandparents in my kids’ lives. I’m so thankful for it.
  • I can’t get enough of that fat-cheeked bliss my baby has the moment after he’s filled his belly to its capacity with milk. A sweet lump of dough.
  • Brooksie definitely doesn’t like it when I have dairy. I’m thankful to know that and thankful that he’s a happy baby again. Sad babies are not easy.
  • On Wednesday Brooks will be six weeks old! It’s been a steep learning curve for all of us, August included. But we’re figuring out how to be a family of four. So grateful that though change is always difficult, it’s also beautiful.
  • It’s true! Stretch marks really do fade (sort of)!

I would really love to know what you’re thankful for…

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