Thankful Tuesday: Moby wraps, pancakes, and baby dimples

Thankful Tuesday: Moby wraps, pancakes, and baby dimples May 10, 2011
  • Let’s start with this: There are some seasons in a marriage where you feel more like a team than you ever have, where you know what to say to each other in the sweetest and most painful moments, where you laugh big, hearty, hysterical laughs at each other. I’m thankful that Chris and I are in that season. And I’m thankful that Sunday night during my Bible study, Chris yelled over and over for me from our bedroom. I left my friends in the living room and found him on the bed, lying on his back, Brooksie on top of him and a tablespoon of spit up floating in Chris’ neck hallow. It was gross. It was awesome!
  • Have I ever said how great is? It is the best. And I’m thankful that I can order online when I have three diapers left and get a box the next day, just in time! (No, they didn’t pay me to say that.)
  • I’m thankful for my handmade (by my sister in law) “moby” wrap and the fact that Brooks spends his entire life in it.
    In my wrap with August in 2008

    For the first time a few days ago, I nursed and cooked dinner at the same time with him in that wrap. I am woman!

  • Two of my sweet friends came over Saturday morning to babysit the boys so Chris and I could go out and find me some cute post-pregnancy outfits. I’m thankful for 1) dear friends who make August pancakes and panic because he’s eaten 10, yes 10. (He loves his pancakes.) And 2) the blessing of being able to buy new clothes that I feel cute in.
  • After 4 months of potty training, my little boy is finally willing to sit on a real toilet! This is a monumental step for this kid. Now, onto getting him to sit on any other toilet in the world.
  • Yesterday, a friend asked me if I knew how to cook and eat an artichoke before moving to California, and I said: “Of course!” Then I felt grateful for my mother in law who has taught me how to cook and eat a lot of stuff, especially artichokes. (PS Did you know they’re amazing roasted? True fact.)
  • Smiling babies. Specifically, my smiling baby and his dimple in his right cheek. I can’t get enough.

It’s Thankful Tuesday! What are you thankful for???

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