April 17, 2011

O Lord Jesus Christ, who on this day entered the rebellious city which later rejected you: We confess that our wills are just as rebellious, that our faith is often more show than substance, that our hearts are in need of cleansing. Have mercy on us, Son of David, Savior of our lives. help us to lay at your feet all that we have and all that we are, trusting you to forgive what is sinful, to heal what is... Read more

April 14, 2011

It’s been a while since I mentioned my Psalm a day. Please believe me: I have not been the winner of the “I faithfully read my Psalm everyday” award. But yesterday was day 62 and I actually read Psalm 62, just the words I needed to hear. I think I may have missed my first Thankful Tuesday ever on the blog. For shame! And the truth is, this week has been overwhelming. I’ve felt really sad. And sometimes that’s exactly... Read more

April 11, 2011

Sunday, in the midst of rocking and bouncing my little babes in the back of the balcony throughout our church service, my brain completely missed the sermon. (I cannot recall anything I can’t take notes on.) In these early days of baby-loving, I usually don’t have a lot of spiritual learning taking place, at least intellectually. But yesterday, in the midst of trying to plug T-Rexy’s cries with a pacificer, I somehow heard and connected to something my pastor said... Read more

April 7, 2011

What August thinks is crazy: The Weather Mater (the tow-truck from the movie Cars) Tow-Trucks Wow, those things are crazy. Is there anything else you think is crazy? 4. No, just weather and Mater. What August most likes to do: Read books And jump on my bed And read books And jump on my bed It’s Friday, and I though you deserved some insight straight from the boy’s mouth. Read more

April 7, 2011

About ten times a day I remind myself that billions of women throughout the history of childbearing have had more than one child at a time. Most were like my great-grandmother Mama-Mac, raising seven kids at once. On a farm. In a tiny house on the high plains with no heating or air conditioning. Scrubbing clothes by hand in tubs outside. So, I’m lame for holding any complaints in my heart…because I have a very easy, happy life. And I... Read more

April 5, 2011

How do I count the ways? My littlest baby is three weeks old tomorrow and he’s perfectly healthy and beautiful (besides a weird outie belly button and a pair of cross-eyes but only I’m allowed to say that because I’m his mother. You should say he’s adorable). Yesterday I survived an extra long day alone with the boys. Chris had to work late so I went all the way through dinner and bedtime alone. And we all made it! There... Read more

April 4, 2011

In the past 9 years, I’ve lived in three very different cities: Syracuse, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. None of those cities are anything like the place I grew up or the town where I went to college. In my moves, I’ve come to expect a moment of shock that usually arrives somewhere between a year to two years of living in the same place. I call it the “pen effect.” This is what happens: I am writing an important date... Read more

April 1, 2011

I haven’t had a lot to offer lately. Honestly, by this point (T-Rexy is 16 days old), I was hoping I’d have the two kid thing down and feel like a champ and have a brain full of wonderful blogging ideas. Truth? I have another infection. It’s not mastitis, PTL. (PTL is code for “Praise the Lord,” fyi.) But it’s made me icky and frustrated. I just want to jump back into normal life and be a functioning member of... Read more

March 30, 2011

Alysia Yates is one of those dearest kinds of people who come into your life for a season. When her husband first became our pastor at our former church, he described her to me as someone with two passions: literature and theology. My type of girl. She’s the mom of four and still manages to make time to write guest posts for the likes of me. This is her second post on Mama:Monk. Here’s her first. Thank you, Alysia! * ... Read more

March 29, 2011

Yesterday was my first real day home with two kids. I don’t have to do it long. For the rest of the week my husband is working from home and next week my mother-in-law arrives. (And my mother just left this past Saturday after being with us for two weeks.) I have it really good. But I woke up in fear of what the day would bring. I spent Sunday suffering from mastitis. If you don’t know what that means,... Read more

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