July 7, 2010

Micha and August are on a plane to Amarillo to visit family. Trophy husband Chris will guest post today. At 4:45 am we woke up our little one and all he could say was “Airport! Airport! I fly Airplane Jojo Pops house!” When I put him in his stroller at Oakland airport he gave me a hug and said, “Daddy go work?” Yes, dear child, Daddy go work. See, I don’t get to visit JoJo and Pops just yet. Is... Read more

July 6, 2010

It’s Thankful Tuesday! Sometimes on Thankful Tuesday I list everything I’m grateful for. Sometimes I spend the entire post bemoaning some semi-depressing situation in my life and then at the end turn it into a surprisingly thankful statement (which gets me off the hook for all that complaining). Sometimes I have some vague spiritual thought that ends up grandly (or not so grandly) pointing to thankfulness. Today I seem to have none of those in me. I have some books... Read more

July 5, 2010

So, it’s the morning after the 4th, a holiday! Which, of course, means that I have exciting things to do today, like sweeping my embarrassingly crumb covered floors, washing my son’s three pairs of warm weather pajamas (we’re leaving for Texas in two days!), and hanging out with the Main Squeeze who has the day off today. Woohoo! So all that means that I don’t have much to say this morning. Though I do want to comment that yesterday was... Read more

July 2, 2010

This week my brother, Jason Boyett, asked me to guest post on his blog, O Me of Little Faith, in response to surprising debate that displayed itself (in all its nastiness) this week on several progressive Christian blogs. The issue at hand? Whether it is “biblical” for a mom to work outside of the home. Seriously? Here’s my response. Read more

June 30, 2010

I met with my spiritual director, Debby, yesterday morning. Have I mentioned yet that she’s my hero? I have this amazing gift of becoming a weep machine every time I talk about anything that matters to me. So, in our few Tuesday mornings together, poor Debby has dealt with way more tears than any spiritual director probably signs up for. Yesterday was less teary than our meeting two weeks ago. That’s probably because when I met with her last I... Read more

June 28, 2010

We haven’t had a Thankful Tuesday list for too long, friends. So, I’m starting it out and you’re finishing it off. Ok? My son is sleeping again! After lamenting about his sleep habits last week: which included round-offs out of the crib, angry screaming and near hyperventilation, I took the sleep book‘s advice and made a sign about our rules for bedtime (stay in bed, close your eyes, be very quiet, etc). I even drew some super cute pictures to... Read more

June 28, 2010

Yesterday, the sermon was about Communion and how it challenges us towards community, memory and hope. What I can’t get over is my pastor’s description of what it means to “remember.” As we looked at the passage of scripture in 1 Corinthians 11, he explained that when Paul exhorts the church in Corinth to take the bread and wine of The Lord’s Supper “in remembrance” of Christ, just as Jesus commanded, the definition of remembering is a bit more carnal... Read more

June 24, 2010

As I write this it is almost midnight, June 24th. Two years ago at this time, I was in the final stages of labor, after more than a day of working to get that baby out of me. This morning, after his bath time, I watched him running through the house naked, that same body that tore out of me has now lost its chunky baby butt in favor of the skinny boy butt. Those fat thighs gained three inches... Read more

June 23, 2010

Tonight I left Chris at home to feed, play with and put August to bed while I drove out to Oakland to help some friends pack their apartment. I came home to a kitchen that was cleaned (even the stove top sparkled!), bills that were a bit more organized, and some laundry still unfolded in the basket. (He’s wonderful but not perfect.) Last year a friend of mine interviewed us as a couple about our “roles” for one of her... Read more

June 22, 2010

It’s been one week since we arrived home from a ten-day trip out east to see family and friends. I don’t like coming home. Of course, I like getting back into routine. I like being in my own home with my own stuff. I like the simplicity of non-vacation life. What I don’t like is saying goodbye. I don’t like the shock of quietness in my little apartment with August all day. I don’t like the reminder that my relationships... Read more

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