When We Speak of Mindfulness in Christianity

When We Speak of Mindfulness in Christianity May 5, 2019

When we speak of mindfulness in Christianity, we talk about the discipline of being fully aware of our experience living in the present moment. The practice of mindfulness helps us recognize how much of our time is lost living in the past and the future. In fact, very little time is spent living in the present moment.

In the Christian realm to live mindfully, Richard Rohr describes it as living in the naked now. Rohr calls it the naked now because it is the only time that exists. It exists in the now because the future hasn’t happened yet, and the past is already over. The present or as I call it the Eternal Now of God is the only real time that exists.

Our struggle is our minds can be in two different places at the same time. When I begin to pray, I find myself thinking about where I’m going to eat for dinner. A few seconds later I’m wondering why I recall a meal I had a couple of weeks ago. I am then trying to remember who ate with me. I return to praying and reflect what got me going down that bunny trail. That is the reality of our life. As we go about life, our thoughts continually distract us from what is going on in the present moment.

Our minds are designed as thinking machines, but there is a vast difference in being aware of a thought and thinking a thought. That is where mindfulness can help us to be mindful and aware of Christ in the plethora of our distracting thoughts.

The practice of Mindful Christianity is a state of spiritual awareness of what is – what is happening right now in my life. (Keeping Mindful Christianity Simple)It is the discipline in the moment of being fully present to our total experience in life as a Christian. As in all meditation Mindful Christianity is a way to promote and encourage the awareness of God’s presence in every detail of life. It is a way of developing a deeper relationship with and the recognition of God’s love and presence in our life.

It is a way of taking our critical thoughts and judgments about people and ourselves and putting them in the light of God’s grace, mercy and love. It is a way of sitting back away from yourself now to look and to observe your thoughts in the light of God’s word and presence. It is the process that lets the character and nature of Christ transform our hearts with the hope we will live in love with God and humanity. When we speak of mindfulness in Christianity it is to live mindful of Christ. (What is Mindful Christianity)


fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2 NIV


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