WEEKLY ROUNDUP: Doing What You Love, What Scares You, and What Brings You Peace

WEEKLY ROUNDUP: Doing What You Love, What Scares You, and What Brings You Peace December 22, 2014

paper boyA Monday roundup of great articles that are worth your time to read, ponder, share, or even argue with.  This week’s list:

  1. Why You Should Start Before You’re Ready: Advice on how to do things that scare you.  Lots more interesting articles on working with passion, and other resources, at the blog this comes from, The Meaning Movement.
  2. Big Ideas 2015: A number of business and employment trends to watch, collected by LinkedIn.
  3. Problems With Your Boss? Try a Chat With the Office Chaplain. Listen to or read the transcript of an NPR report (including a brief interview with David Miller!) on why more and more companies are hiring chaplains for the workplace.
  4. So You’re Not Up at 5 am to Work? What’s Wrong With You? Nothing. “When did we all make it right that you had to literally run through your life, working your butt off but keeping this air of deadly happiness as you dedicate your life to work?”
  5. Vocational Coherence and Constraints: Kate Harris of the Washington Institute reminds us “that our callings, under God, are much more about who we are and to whom we belong than they are merely a statement about what we do or accomplish.”  You can read a follow-up post here and lots more posts by Kate here.
  6. Don’t Waste Your 20s at Google or McKinsey: “Investing your time in your 20s wisely enables you to spend the rest of your life doing what you love, not searching for what you might love.”
  7. A Growing Movement to Spread Faith, Love, and Clean Laundry Another NPR report–this one on groups that are helping the working poor do their laundry. (Here’s one church your humble scribe knows of personally that has been trying this!)
  8. Not Your Stereotypical Pastor’s Wife: An interview with Kathy Keller, author, editor, church communications director, and the co-founder, along with her husband Tim Keller, of Redeemer NYC.
  9. The Other Side of the City: In case you missed this wonderful issue of Comment magazine from the summer of 2014 on urban renewal, check out the free sample articles at this link.
  10. Work-Life Balance: Tips for graduate students that are useful for the rest of us too.

Image: “Extra, Extra (The Paper Boy),” John George Brown. Courtesy of the Grohmann Museum at the Milwaukee School of Engineering.

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